The Feral Cats Cause

Helping feral cats in the Southern Illinois region  

The Solution

WHAT DOES NOT WORK: The traditional method for dealing with feral cats (or any exotic species) is to trap and euthanize. This is not very effective unless you are on an island or an all out assault on regional populations is conducted. When you kill or remove a territorial animal such as a cat that vacant territory now provides open space for new cats to colonize. It is the same idea of a whole neighborhood vacating an area at once, if 100 people move out of there houses then that is 100 open houses for new people to come in from surrounding areas.  There is always a "reserve" population that will keep colonizing new territories as they open up. So you kill ten cats, ten more move in, or even more until they establich a pecking order. The only long term solution is education and sterilization. After all we live in the 21st century, so it would make sense we come up with an educated solution as opposed to the traditional 19th century methods of dealing with problem animals. Advocates of this still exist today, even among conservation organizations. Arguing that euthanazia is more humane than a life on the streets. Maybe true, if one thinks about it from a logic stadnpoint. However, I doubt many people would be willing to donate or help if you ran a trap and euthanize campaign. Many grassroots organizations do not have the time nor resources it takes to socialize a feral cat. Not to mention in large colonies like this one with may exceed 200 cats. So the next best thing is TNR. 

THE NEW STANDARD: TNR or trap spay/neuter release is the new and hopefully growing standard among more and more organizations. Maybe one day our taxdollars will pay for it. It works because you stop thier ability to reproduce but still allow them to hold the same territory and resources,  thus making it largely unavailable to newcomers. If you eventually sterilize the entire population then it stabalizes at a low number and eventually will dwindle down as long as people dont dump unwanted cats, and there are not overabondant resources around to attract outsiders. This is where educating the public comes in. Teach people about the whole situation  and more humane long term solutions exist.  

This Alternative is almost a win win solution for everyone, it does not stem conflict between people who feed feral cats and animal control who euthanizes them, and the cats still live thier lives outdoors. Feral cats are here to stay unfortunatly, so wildlife may never get a break. However with trap-neuter-return the impact will be lessened. 

HAVE A HEART:The trap used is a "hav a hart" live trap. The cat walks in and sets the trigger and it closes behind them. This is the exact trap I will be using, and if I have it set I will check on it hourly or in even shorter intervals. I will probably put a towel over it and inside for winter use so the cats feel safe, and stress is minimized.